A little bigger than expected but its great! feels sturdy, watched a youtube video for assembly. lol my son broke his old desk &he loves his new one! worth the money!????
My Granddaughter loves her new desk, its sturdy, Strong and durable, she sits perfectly comfortable while doing her remote learning, great storage places for all her school utensils, and the little hanger on the side for her book-bag is a great addition. So worth buying
I love everything about this product. Package was secure without any damage to the product. Very easy assembly. Took less then 20min to put everything together. Very stable. I was looking for a corner desk but this one is more then perfect for my use. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a nice urban style computer desk.
This desk is awesome. My son loves having his own workspace on remote days. It has a place for pencils/crayons, a tablet/laptop holder (which tilts, which we didn't realize at first, so the laptop doesn't fall), a drawer to keep his supplies, and the height is adjustable so it will grow with him long after he's back in school full time.